Most children would be average and not amazing, incredible, contributive, and meaningful, but that is not the problem with procreation. Obviously the problems are from a different kind and magnitude. However, that fact goes to show how prominent the aspect of vanity in procreation is.

In the text about the Optimism Bias I have mentioned people’s tendency to think that the chances of something bad happening to them are very low and surly below average, and on the contrary that the chances of something good happening to them are very high and surly above average, despite that thought being totally statistically illogical.
The feeling of parents that their children would be amazing, incredible, contributive, and meaningful also doesn’t make any statistical sense. Clearly it is impossible that everyone’s children would be amazing, incredible, contributive, and meaningful. So for people to nevertheless insist on breeding with this premise in mind, they need to think of themselves, or at least of their genes and their parenting abilities, to be potentially amazing, incredible, contributive, and meaningful.

The fact that people have a serious problem with reality testing is not new, and their insistency on creating their own children – as how can they not be as amazing as they are – is extremely conceited.
Even just a bit of rational and realistic speculation would infer that it is most probably the case that people’s children won’t be amazing, incredible and contributive, and that it is not important that they would exist because they would have a positive meaningful impact on the ones who already exist, and that it is so much more likely that they would be just another unnecessary unit of suffering, exploitation and pollution, just another unnecessary entity that needs and therefore takes, harms and being harmed, exploits and being exploited, pollutes and being polluted, in pain and causing pain, bored and boring, meaningless and not meaningful.

And even when every once in a while people with some good potential are somehow being created and somehow are not spoiled by their parents, they are usually spoiled by other means. I’ll let Ernest Becker, which I have referred to two of his books – Escape from Evil and The Denial of Death in the second part of the text about death, explain. This time from Angel in Armor:

“Take the average man who has to stage in his own way the life drama of his own worth and significance. As a youth he, like everyone else, feels that deep down he has a special talent, an indefinable but real something to contribute to the richness and success of life in the universe. But, like almost everyone else, he doesn’t seem to hit on the unfolding of this special something; his life takes on the character of a series of accidents and encounters that carry him along… into new experiences and responsibilities. Career, marriage, family, approaching old age – all these happen to him, he doesn’t command them. instead of his staging the drama of his own significance, he himself is staged, programmed by the standard scenario laid down by his society.”

Nothing about all that is surprising or new and that is because it is so clear that procreation is irrational, sellfish, extremly vain, and x.
But the fact that nothing about any of that is new yet people are still stuck in the same place and without any serious abilty (or even without any serious motivation sadly) to justify their positions and actions regarding procreatrion, at some point needs to renew our approach regarding it. At some point we need to realize that the fact that people are so stuck despite being so wrong, doesn’t mean that we can afford to be stuck depsite being so right. At some point we need to realize that although indeed we are very right, we are living in a very wrong world. And when justice and fairness and ethics have no place because existence itself is structurally unjust, unfair and unethical, we need to seriosuly undermine the structure of existence by other means.